Saturday, August 21, 2010

Z-Index problem with IE

I spent couple of hours to find the solution of this bug, so I just post it here hope it can help somebody else.

The problem is introduced here

and here

Some of the solutions proposed are here:

What really worked for me was the combination of two solution above, set position:relative to the containing divs and give each containing div higher value of z-index of the contained one.

Case example :

<div style="z-index:5; position:relative">

    <div style="z-index:4">

        <div style="z-index:3">




<div style="z-index:2; position:relative">

    <div style="z-index:1">



For the code above, we should be able to see the div with z-index 3 on top of the divs positioned after it (z-index 2 and 1).